Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pleaded Not Guilty

So insane! This man pleads not guilty for the crime that he did 18 years ago for kidnapping and raping a girl who was 11 years old at that time. Impregnated her and fathered two children and captive the victim for nearly two decades.

He should receive a death penalty for what he had done to this poor victim. The sad part was that the suspect's wife was involved in the said crime and pleaded not guilty too. The case was very clear, evidence are so visible. The two children could speak out and can testify of what they had been through to the hands of this insane and no soul suspects.

People like the suspects should be in prison for their whole life giving them plenty of time to realize how bad and cruel they are to other human being not considering leaving and hurting the family victim. It was very hard for the family to go on without knowing that their daughter was gone kill or alive. The suspect has to pay.

I am a mother and to hear my daughter cry it makes me feel bad. I could not even go somewhere without my daughter because i know that i will miss her and i have no idea if she will be taken care by a nanny the way i do. My heart goes to the victim and to her family. Happy that she is back to her family and starting
a new life.